OpenUtilities Substation Help

Drawing Set, Installation, Location Descriptions Comparison

Access from right-click menu when user right clicks on a page in Project Manager while page is open. Three separate commands are available Compare Drawing Set Descriptions, Compare Installation Descriptions, and Compare Location Descriptions.

When this command is executed, the software compare values stored in DGN file to active project and allow you to choose between value in file or value in active project. Workflows that include the use of Import Drawings can result in a condition where project database values differ from values stored in DGN file.

A similar interface is used for all three commands. Below example represents Compare Drawing Set Descriptions.

Page Properties shown in left pane and Project Database values shown in right pane.

To reconcile differences, select the desired values you want to keep by clicking in the value columns. After a value is selected, the field will contain a green box indicating the selection. To deselect, click filed with green box again. Clicking Update button resolves the property conflict for the selected items.